Things that make me go whee!
On to this week, how many posts can I have about things that irritate me? Obviously, many. I do believe it's limitless.
You are welcome to join in with anything that has irritated you this week. I may have overlooked something.
1. People who call shopping carts "buggies". Is there any other way to advertise that you are a hick from the sticks than using this term?
2. People who have to make a big deal about telling a blonde joke around me. I don't care and I don't get offended. It offends me more that you would think I would be offended. Or better yet, the person who wanted to tell an "off color" joke but was afraid that I was "too conservative" to hear it. WTF???? When have I ever given off those vibes??
3. People who drink White Zinfandel. This is not wine it is Kool-Aid.
4. People who use the word "classy". Trust me, if you have to say you are classy, the chances are pretty slim that you actually are. So sorry to be the one to break the news to you but hey, this is a public service announcement.
5. The word Cool. See #4 and apply the same rules.
6. T.V.'s everywhere I go. Tonight I had to put gasoline into my car while watching the GSTV (Gas Station Television) I feel so in the movie Minority Report.
7. People who keep track of the price of gas. I'm sorry. I put the freakin' nozzle in and buy the gas. I don't really care if I paid one or two more cents than someone else. I would rather keep track of the price of milk or eggs. (I paid $2.50 for a gallon of milk tonight! Beat that!!)
I'm out.