Working Girl
I started my new job this week and....I LOVE IT! Seriously, I think this is going to be a good fit - keeps me busy, out and about (not locked inside an office all day) and it will be fun.
It's been about 9 years since I was out in the "full-time working world." I thought one thing would have changed.
The use of the word IRREGARDLESS. Did a memo not go out to all people that this is NOT a word?? It is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I have to grit my teeth to not correct someone when I hear them use it.
I went to Louisiana yesterday and I knew I was there when the first person I met said, "Just ax him for your paperwork." Another nails on a chalkboard word for me. At least that one is just an accent? or maybe a dialect? or maybe they really do think the word is ax and not ask.
Irregardless, I have to ax my boss for Spring Break off. Is it bad to start a job and then immediately ask for a vacation?
It's been about 9 years since I was out in the "full-time working world." I thought one thing would have changed.
The use of the word IRREGARDLESS. Did a memo not go out to all people that this is NOT a word?? It is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I have to grit my teeth to not correct someone when I hear them use it.
I went to Louisiana yesterday and I knew I was there when the first person I met said, "Just ax him for your paperwork." Another nails on a chalkboard word for me. At least that one is just an accent? or maybe a dialect? or maybe they really do think the word is ax and not ask.
Irregardless, I have to ax my boss for Spring Break off. Is it bad to start a job and then immediately ask for a vacation?
So what's the job???
I'm just axing here!
Irregardlessly awaiting the answer to be LUMBERJACK!
; )
Pendullum, at 1/25/2007 8:36 AM
Axing for vacation already?
I hope you don't get axed.
Anonymous, at 1/25/2007 10:07 AM
MAN, I hate irregardless. It's like the double negatives, I hate those too- 'he don't know nobody'. Americans sounds like morons in general to me. Ax, yeah. And whatchoo (what are you) and yer, and... and.... I could keep going.....
Anonymous, at 1/25/2007 10:42 AM
Lemme ax you sumthin'
sure you weren't in brooklyn. cuz we tawk like dat dere too.
Congratulations on the job (and liking it!)
Type (little) a aka Michele, at 1/25/2007 2:09 PM
Hey, congrats on the new job! Glad to hear you're liking things so far.
I'm a huge fan of grammatical mistakes because they crack me up. Wisconsinites have some doozies.
Jess Riley, at 1/25/2007 2:52 PM
Congrats on the job! Go ahead and put in for your vacation. I've done it plenty of times. What I HAVEN'T done yet is put in my two weeks notice straight off the bat. That would be something new.
Tink, at 1/25/2007 3:10 PM
OJ's daughter, to OJ: "Daddy can I have a sleepover?"
OJ: "I don't know. Let me ax your mom..."
(Congrats on the job. Whenever I meet you I gotta rub your head for good luck or something!)
Mignon, at 1/25/2007 9:13 PM
Congratulations on the new job! Go away for a week and you miss all kinds of stuff.
I'm so happy for you!
Anonymous, at 1/26/2007 7:12 AM
I hear lots of 'axes' around here. Makes me kind of nuts too.
Renee, at 1/26/2007 10:43 AM
woo hoo congrats on the job!! lol on the ax!
acaligurl, at 1/29/2007 7:24 AM
"Ax" bothers me as much as "nex."
Arabella, at 1/29/2007 5:56 PM
Ugh..I must apologize for my home state, but we don't all talk like that.
And my last secretary said "ax" and she was from Staten Island. I guess it's universal!
teahouse, at 1/30/2007 5:45 PM
Supposibly, it's bad form to ax so soon, but I'd try, irregardless. Just be sure to ax nicely.
Annie, The Evil Queen, at 1/31/2007 10:26 PM
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