Tis the Season
So, do you have all of your holiday shopping done? Are you one of those who finish before Thanksgiving? If so, no kudos for you. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. In fact, go straight to jail. I don't even admire you.
Personally, I think having all of your shopping done that early takes a lot of the fun out of Christmas. Have you been to Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve? It is not an event to be missed. Sure the merchandise is a bit picked over and you may not find exactly what you came in for but thats half the fun! The next morning when that special person unwraps their multi-colored toe socks the look on their face will be priceless. Word to the wise - have your camera ready and capture the moment forever!
Okay, maybe there's a happy medium. I accomplish a lot of my shopping online but I still run around and buy things here and there. I predict I will be finished on December 21st. Halle-frickin'-lujah for me.
Personally, I think having all of your shopping done that early takes a lot of the fun out of Christmas. Have you been to Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve? It is not an event to be missed. Sure the merchandise is a bit picked over and you may not find exactly what you came in for but thats half the fun! The next morning when that special person unwraps their multi-colored toe socks the look on their face will be priceless. Word to the wise - have your camera ready and capture the moment forever!
Okay, maybe there's a happy medium. I accomplish a lot of my shopping online but I still run around and buy things here and there. I predict I will be finished on December 21st. Halle-frickin'-lujah for me.
I'm more of the last-minute-panic shopping variety myself. That being said I don't really go overboard at Christmas, in part becuase we're uber broke.
Anonymous, at 12/16/2006 9:13 AM
I'm done, but I never start until after Thanksgiving. I just can't get into the holiday spirit until December.
Anonymous, at 12/17/2006 12:13 PM
Not even close to being finished. Help me. Really.
Anonymous, at 12/18/2006 12:35 AM
I started back in October... BAD IDEA. Because I'd forgotten some things I had hidden or wanted to shop to get in the Christmas spirit I spent double what I did last year! Oy. I'm all for happy mediums.
Tink, at 12/18/2006 3:46 PM
i am so behind this year. you'll admire me! i just started today! yikes.
acaligurl, at 12/19/2006 1:14 AM
I'm about 75% of the way there, and fresh out of ideas. This is where kids come in handy--you can frame their photos and they can make cute cards for the extended family.
Arabella, at 12/19/2006 8:43 AM
I'd say we have about 90% of things done before Thanksgiving. But again, you know the two little ones I have to drag around, so I'm sure you understand.
We always have that one person who we forget to get anything for and do the last minute truffle shuffle to come up with anything.
Anonymous, at 12/19/2006 11:20 AM
I'm pretty much done, but one of my gifts for the neighbors (scones that I baked myself, insanely) got stale so I ate them. Now I'm out one gift.
Jess Riley, at 12/20/2006 2:22 PM
I haven't even started. My life kinda blew up a few weeks ago and I'm just now beginning to think about the holidays. Yikes!
Trish, at 12/21/2006 3:16 PM
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