Warning...rambling nonsense ahead
Okay. So I haven't posted in a while. I'M DEPRESSED.
I thought I'd gotten the whole "company folded - now I'm laid off" thing off my mind in two days. Well, not really, it just got replaced with the entire family descending for Thanksgiving so I cleaned and cooked my brains out for that holiday. Didn't have time to think about it.
Don't mean to sound like my holiday wasn't fun. It was very fun. I love my family. But then everyone went back to their lives - work and school and I was left here. To stare at the walls. To think of how I should have been in Louisiana touring the fab yard - if I was working.
I have got to find something. I want to feel passionate about something (besides my husband, of course!). I enjoyed getting dressed up every day. I enjoyed feeling like I had to be somewhere and I enjoyed the thought of a paycheck. Midlife crisis? Maybe. I'm tired of my day being filled with errands that I would have to do regardless of whether or not I worked. I probably should find going to Wal-mart very fulfilling but call me crazy....I just don't.
I am reading a book called "A Walk In The Woods" and now I am ready to go and hike the Appalachian Trail. I would love to do something big like that but I know I am too big of a chicken to ever really do something like that.
I hope your holiday weekend was warm and fuzzy and yummy.
I thought I'd gotten the whole "company folded - now I'm laid off" thing off my mind in two days. Well, not really, it just got replaced with the entire family descending for Thanksgiving so I cleaned and cooked my brains out for that holiday. Didn't have time to think about it.
Don't mean to sound like my holiday wasn't fun. It was very fun. I love my family. But then everyone went back to their lives - work and school and I was left here. To stare at the walls. To think of how I should have been in Louisiana touring the fab yard - if I was working.
I have got to find something. I want to feel passionate about something (besides my husband, of course!). I enjoyed getting dressed up every day. I enjoyed feeling like I had to be somewhere and I enjoyed the thought of a paycheck. Midlife crisis? Maybe. I'm tired of my day being filled with errands that I would have to do regardless of whether or not I worked. I probably should find going to Wal-mart very fulfilling but call me crazy....I just don't.
I am reading a book called "A Walk In The Woods" and now I am ready to go and hike the Appalachian Trail. I would love to do something big like that but I know I am too big of a chicken to ever really do something like that.
I hope your holiday weekend was warm and fuzzy and yummy.
It doesn't sound like nonsense to me...I think the same things sometimes, and I have a job -- er, one that doesn't pay. I'm really sorry you got laid off and I hope that you find something that sparks your passion. Good luck, and hang in!
Anonymous, at 11/28/2006 3:36 PM
A book. Yes, a really REALLY good book can sometimes pull me out of a funk, or put me in an entirely new frame of mind in a matter of hours. Inspiring or touching - whatever. Why not start small, if you are really into the idea of hiking? It's not like you have to run out and chew your arm off in the first go...
Mignon, at 11/28/2006 9:17 PM
Being a stay at home mom is wonderful, but sometimes I miss getting out and earning a paycheck myself. I hope you find something fulfilling soon. Nip on over to the Kingdom for a dose of my little man to brighten your day. :)
Annie, The Evil Queen, at 11/28/2006 10:01 PM
My hubby walked a bit of the Appalachian trail a few years back and said it was pretty tough. Of course he was hiking with a bunch of younger Boy Scouts. He wants to go back sometime without kids.
I'm sorry you are still feeling depressed about the job situation. I guess the grass is always greener....Sunday night I was finding myself feeling depressed about having to go back to work after a whole week off. Don't get me wrong, I like my job, but I sure enjoyed being off for awhile.
So we have to find you a new job - one that takes advantage of all your talents. Hang in there - it's out there.
Anonymous, at 11/28/2006 10:46 PM
I'm not fooled. You just miss Frog.
Take your hubby for a sexy weekend getaway, sans kids.
And make him wear a welder's mask.
Or sit in bed and watch an old movie. I recommend "Shop Around the Corner" with Jimmy Stewart. Funny, romantic and corny. It's a movie version of comfort food.
Anonymous, at 11/28/2006 11:18 PM
Thanksgiving was uneventful, but everything else has been totally insane. I,too, want work and am waiting (WAITING!!) for news regarding a job I looked into over two weeks ago. I know exactly how you feel.
Anonymous, at 11/28/2006 11:21 PM
Sorry about the layoff.
I'm with V-Grrrl--I think the seasonal holiday work might be a nice fit right now.
Arabella, at 11/29/2006 9:50 AM
For the love of God Deb, if you are feeling depressed, DON"T take a seasonal job at a mall. There is no love or joy at the mall at Christmas. I love the idea of a seasonal job at a small shop sellig something you love. Just don't go to the mall.
Annie, The Evil Queen, at 11/29/2006 2:00 PM
I'll join you in the depression. Want to come over for some chick flicks and ice cream? And by chick flicks I mean movies with really hot men in them. And by ice cream I mean Kaluha floats.
Tink, at 11/29/2006 3:26 PM
I spent last Thursday driving back home after being called that my stepduaghter was being tested for cancer. We spent 5 stress-filled days waiting for test results. Fortunately the tests were negative and the problem can be dealt with. My husband and I drove the 7 hour drive back home knowing that many people didn't get the same good news we got and how lucky we were. So even though there wasn't a family gathering or turkey dinner this Thanksgiving, we felt very blessed.
But I know what you mean, my husband and I are on different shifts and never see each other so I come home to an empty house and there is just so many trips to WalMart that can be made in a week!
You need a distraction! Take up tennis with a very cute pro! You will forget your troubles in no time. (trust me!)
Go to Michaels, buy some beads, its fun and you can get very artistic! It is very addictive!
Go cut a Christmas tree for your new house, that's a great adventure. And not at a tree farm, but in the mountains, hike and get a tree! You will have many stories to tell!
Life is beautiful. Each day precious. You are there with all those guys who don't get what we go through when we want more out of our day. Hang in there, Debbie!
PEACE, at 11/29/2006 7:25 PM
depression sucks!! it will get better. i like Tinks idea: Kalua floats and chick (hot men) flicks. That thoughts gotta make it alittle better.
acaligurl, at 11/30/2006 12:07 AM
How about signing up for a class at the local college? The last class I took for fun was Art History. FACINATING.
Anonymous, at 11/30/2006 5:27 PM
Just found your blog via SJ - I was laid off last April from a job that I really really loved. I can completely feel your pain, frustration, etc. right now.
My advice (and it looks like everyone elses') is to keep yourself busy. I didn't do this and I think it really has hurt me in the long run. But! There is hope, and I just found a job, doing something I really really love doing. It just took me a while!
Rhi, at 11/30/2006 7:52 PM
I really, truly believe if you keep your heart and mind and eyes open to possibilities, one will present itself to you.
It's hard being in limbo but I know something great is going to come your way when you least expect it.
Anonymous, at 12/01/2006 4:14 AM
I'll hike the flipping trail with you. I am in the biggest mid life crisis of my life. Do you know how sick of baby clothing I am (but still check it out: www.mymiraclebaby.com) and I don't have passion for my hubby like you so I am particularly screwed (or not). So please please lets go climb a mountain or jump off a cliff or something. I don't have any money but I could hitch to you maybe...
xxoo Donna Bliss
Anonymous, at 12/02/2006 3:04 PM
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