My Magic Glasses
I lose my $125 Ray Ban sunglasses but rather than replace them with expensive glasses I ran to Target and found a really cute pair for $10. It was just a couple days later that my incident at Sonic happened. Remember, my Heather Locklear story? Of course you do. Well, it gets better. The day after that darling waitress said I looked like Heather, my mom and I were heading to the mall. I passed a cop who was parked on the side of the road. I wasn't sure what the speed limit was but I thought it was 35 mph. I was going about 37 mph. Suddenly, I noticed he was right behind me. Like almost touching my damn car he was sooooo close. I made a turn onto a road that was 45 mph but he seemed like he was in such a hurry, I thought it would be safe to go 47 mph.
I was greeted with flashing lights in my rearview mirror. DAMN! He was pulling me over!
He comes up to my window. No, he sauntered up to my window. "What is the speed limit back there on XXXX road?"
I answered 35 mph. (it is 30!) Then he says, well, you were going faster than that. AND, that I was going 47 in a 45 right after that. Incredulous that he was chiding me for going 2 mph over the limit all I could do was smile, laugh and say "I'm sorry." I then handed him my driver's license. He looked it over and then asked for my insurance verification. Then he gets a goofy grin on his face, "Now, am I going to have to write you a citation to REMIND you of the speed limit?"
To which I answered, no. Okay, I tossed my hair a little and giggled and said "No, I promise I will drive the exact speed limit all the way to the mall."
As he got back into this car I turned to my mother and said, "Heather and I don't GET speeding tickets!"
I am telling you my $10 sunglasses from Target are magic. I feel like Forest Gump, "Them are magic glasses, Lt. Dan!"
Because my email mailbox has been crammed with requests here is a picture of me in "full Heather mode."
I was greeted with flashing lights in my rearview mirror. DAMN! He was pulling me over!
He comes up to my window. No, he sauntered up to my window. "What is the speed limit back there on XXXX road?"
I answered 35 mph. (it is 30!) Then he says, well, you were going faster than that. AND, that I was going 47 in a 45 right after that. Incredulous that he was chiding me for going 2 mph over the limit all I could do was smile, laugh and say "I'm sorry." I then handed him my driver's license. He looked it over and then asked for my insurance verification. Then he gets a goofy grin on his face, "Now, am I going to have to write you a citation to REMIND you of the speed limit?"
To which I answered, no. Okay, I tossed my hair a little and giggled and said "No, I promise I will drive the exact speed limit all the way to the mall."
As he got back into this car I turned to my mother and said, "Heather and I don't GET speeding tickets!"
I am telling you my $10 sunglasses from Target are magic. I feel like Forest Gump, "Them are magic glasses, Lt. Dan!"
Because my email mailbox has been crammed with requests here is a picture of me in "full Heather mode."
Phase I of "The Big Move" is happening today. I will be without my computer from about Sunday afternoon until Monday night. And, I start my new job on Monday. Yeah, I must like stress.
I love cheap sunglasses. My $10 pair looks better than my $80 pair!!
Anonymous, at 10/28/2006 10:36 AM
Hooray for cheapo sunglasses!!
And you are so cute!! are glowing. If you don't mind my old are you? Because you don't look older than 30 in that photo.
Hooray for flirting with cops!
teahouse, at 10/28/2006 3:17 PM
I always knew Heather Locklear had a blog! I knew it!Marry me?
Oh! Wait a minute, I'm already married! Scratch that!
Hey, your name is Debbie! We've been had!
Damn glasses!
Dear AL, at 10/29/2006 6:57 AM
Good luck today! And just remember, by mid December you'll be all settled in your gorgeous new house and all of the stress will be a distant memory.
Besides, when you look that hot, what else do you need?
Anonymous, at 10/30/2006 9:27 AM
Hey, if it can get you out of a ticket, go Heather all the way!
Renee, at 10/30/2006 11:14 AM
First off, you are so hot!
Secondly, MUST you smile like that? I feel like you're taunting me with your damn magic glasses and your unbelievable luck. Foxy witch.
Tink, at 10/30/2006 3:41 PM
You are adorable!
I've had cops driving on my ass too & have feared they'd pull me over, but I was driving faster because they were tailgating me!! Fortunately, I've never gotten pulled over cuz I look more like Roseanne Barr.
Anonymous, at 10/31/2006 7:11 AM
I hate it when cops tailgate me! Our neighborhood is full of sheriffs, and they drive me nuts.
Unknown, at 10/31/2006 12:28 PM
My sunglasses cost me $2.98 and they are pretty cute. I can drop them, let Sam l=play with them and put the in a bag without a case and htey never get scratched. But they still don't make me look like Heather Locklear. Of course, I don't have that great hair either. Lucky girl.
Annie, The Evil Queen, at 10/31/2006 3:18 PM
You're looking great in those cheapies! (I just love mirror photos.)
Lucia, at 10/31/2006 5:16 PM
You look pretty good Debbie - even if you are MUCH younger than me.....for some reason,
Go Ags.
Rock, at 11/01/2006 6:00 AM
Yes, ARE much younger than Rock. Well, actually, not all that much. He's only a year older than me. You do the math. Love the glasses.
Go Ags.
Anonymous, at 11/02/2006 5:32 PM
Well, at least you said "I'm sorry" to the officer instead of "oh, please don't do me any favors!" when the officer who stopped me for speeding said he would only write the ticket for 95 in a 65 instead of 97! What a jerk!
PEACE, at 11/07/2006 12:24 PM
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