Nothing like....
a sit down dinner for 14 to snap you out of a depression!
Yes, tonight is the dinner for my husband's co-workers. My big decision? Should I fold the napkins fan style or the cardinal hat style? I do believe you can learn anything over the internet! I don't like the candle style - it looks too, uh, phallic. Not with my dinner, thank you very much.
Thanks for all the nice comments. Really. It helped to hear some encouraging words. I have several job prospects so I know something will work out. I don't want just any job. I want one that will allow me to fit in my family too so I am being picky. And, one that I didn't have to work TOO hard but got paid a lot of money would be nice.
It finally got cold here in Houston. Right this very moment it is 35 degrees F!! We will actually get to use the new fireplaces tonight at the dinner! Of course, to use the gas fireplaces I needed the fake logs. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE CHARGING FOR FAKE LOGS THESE DAYS??? You can pay from over $100 - $450!!! I was ready to go dig around and see if any re-bar got left on the property. I think a few nicely placed, properly piled up pieces of rebar would suffice. Until I went on ebay and found a set for $100.
Please don't offer for me to use real wood. I am not cleaning out ashes. That Cinderella stuff is totally old school.
Had a nice visit from the Sarcastic Journalist today and her two adorable children. She wanted to come and see the new house. She gave me a very nice compliment. SJ said my house was like "house porn" for her and she wanted to make out with it. Hey, its not everyday you get a compliment like that!
Have a nice weekend. My best advice? Avoid the mall.
Yes, tonight is the dinner for my husband's co-workers. My big decision? Should I fold the napkins fan style or the cardinal hat style? I do believe you can learn anything over the internet! I don't like the candle style - it looks too, uh, phallic. Not with my dinner, thank you very much.
Thanks for all the nice comments. Really. It helped to hear some encouraging words. I have several job prospects so I know something will work out. I don't want just any job. I want one that will allow me to fit in my family too so I am being picky. And, one that I didn't have to work TOO hard but got paid a lot of money would be nice.
It finally got cold here in Houston. Right this very moment it is 35 degrees F!! We will actually get to use the new fireplaces tonight at the dinner! Of course, to use the gas fireplaces I needed the fake logs. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE CHARGING FOR FAKE LOGS THESE DAYS??? You can pay from over $100 - $450!!! I was ready to go dig around and see if any re-bar got left on the property. I think a few nicely placed, properly piled up pieces of rebar would suffice. Until I went on ebay and found a set for $100.
Please don't offer for me to use real wood. I am not cleaning out ashes. That Cinderella stuff is totally old school.
Had a nice visit from the Sarcastic Journalist today and her two adorable children. She wanted to come and see the new house. She gave me a very nice compliment. SJ said my house was like "house porn" for her and she wanted to make out with it. Hey, its not everyday you get a compliment like that!
Have a nice weekend. My best advice? Avoid the mall.
House porn!! LMAO!!
You'll fold napkins? Dude, I just toss a pile on the counter.
Anonymous, at 12/01/2006 8:55 AM
Is it bad that I'm getting all warm and tingly in my mommy bits thinking of your house?
Anonymous, at 12/01/2006 9:24 AM
SJ, do you mean your nipples? Or your mommy making bits?
Debbie, my inlaws spent about $400 on their fake logs and they came with fake moss, which first of all, if a log has moss it probably won't burn, and second of all, the fake moss was just green dust that their housekeeper cleaned off in her first visit. That's some housekeeper - dusting the fake logs in a gas fireplace.
Mignon, at 12/01/2006 1:47 PM
I don't do real fires in the fireplace either. We've lived her almost 6 years and have yet to do a fire. Hmm...maybe tonight I'll end my chimney's virginity and give her a whirl. Woo, hoo!
Sorry for the virginity references, but with SJ talking about her mommy bits and all, I thought I was doing good to not use the crude reference that refers to a "seeded fruit" that I immediately thought of. HA!
Crazy MomCat, at 12/01/2006 3:14 PM
I like the real fires...
But for some sadistic reason... My husband loves to clean up after the fires...
Makes him feel manly or something???
Pendullum, at 12/02/2006 4:14 PM
Dude-I totally set our fake logs on fire last night. And my Daddy is a fireman.
Annie, The Evil Queen, at 12/05/2006 12:47 AM
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