Happy Friday
Whacky week in the news.
Just when you thought you couldn't listen to another word about crazy astronaut love triangles, Anna-Nicole decides to check out and now she is all I hear about. Bring back the crazy astronauts, please!
What one thing did Anna-Nicole contribute to society? Can she even entertain? (and no, I don't believe lap dancing is an acceptable form of entertainment), does she have a talent (and no, being able to float without wearing a flotation device does not count), can she sing? Is she even a humanitarian and nice to other people? No, no and no. So, why is on my t.v. 24/7?
But let's back up to the Crazy Killer Astronaut Lady . She drove 900 miles with a pellet gun, duct tape and tubing whilst wearing a diaper so as not to have to stop and pee. That sounds pretty stupid but I got stuck on a major interstate the other day and let's just say my back teeth were FLOATING. I was in pain and could not get off the road! They had closed it due to a three car pile up.
Just when you thought you couldn't listen to another word about crazy astronaut love triangles, Anna-Nicole decides to check out and now she is all I hear about. Bring back the crazy astronauts, please!
What one thing did Anna-Nicole contribute to society? Can she even entertain? (and no, I don't believe lap dancing is an acceptable form of entertainment), does she have a talent (and no, being able to float without wearing a flotation device does not count), can she sing? Is she even a humanitarian and nice to other people? No, no and no. So, why is on my t.v. 24/7?
But let's back up to the Crazy Killer Astronaut Lady . She drove 900 miles with a pellet gun, duct tape and tubing whilst wearing a diaper so as not to have to stop and pee. That sounds pretty stupid but I got stuck on a major interstate the other day and let's just say my back teeth were FLOATING. I was in pain and could not get off the road! They had closed it due to a three car pile up.
I am thinking the whole diaper thing is not a bad idea. I'm wondering what the ex
tra padding would look like under my clothes - maybe a little bulky? Not too sexy? Do you think that the fast food places would mind if I use their bathroom diaper changing stations to "clean up" every now and then? Don't want to encounter diaper rash.

I could change my blog name to DebbieDepends!!
Have a great weekend!
Wow, that picture almost made me throw up a little in my mouth I think. HA!
I've been stuck in Houston traffic like that too before. Maybe you're on to something!
Crazy MomCat, at 2/09/2007 7:48 PM
I wrote about her the other day. I can't believe it either.
Anonymous, at 2/10/2007 12:02 AM
Attractive... But could you wear them under low rise jeans???
Pendullum, at 2/10/2007 8:01 AM
It wasn't a diaper, it was one of those peepee rags that astronauts wear on the shuttle missions. But I heard one commentator say something I thought of- she wore it so she wouldn't have to stop... but what car get 900 miles to the tank??
And Anna Nicole? Whatever. She was a dimwit. And well, I wish they would stop chatting about her.
Anonymous, at 2/10/2007 11:47 AM
Hahahaha..Debbie Depends.
I could be TeaHouse Tinkle. Or Pee House Blossom! Those diapers are sexy!!
teahouse, at 2/10/2007 1:46 PM
I am still stuck on the car thing. Did anyone get the make and model. With gas prices at 2$ I need a vehicle that gets 900 miles to the tank. I have had hangnails that were more exciting to talk about then either of those to circus clowns.
Anonymous, at 2/11/2007 3:44 PM
Great, my midwife just told me that I should try Depends instead of sanitary napkins for the first week or so after I give birth. She said they control leaking better. Now I see why. I was picturing something a little more streamlined. But I guess it doesn't matter since I won't be leaving the house anyway.
Anonymous, at 2/12/2007 7:35 AM
ohgawd crazy astronaut and i were at the same wedding (16 years ago) of course i don't remember her., but she was there, i gotta go thru my friends wedding album to see if she in any pics!!
**and hey just 'cause she had a sledghammer and some tape and plastic bags doesn't mean anything...RIIIIIIIIIIGHT
acaligurl, at 2/12/2007 10:30 PM
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