Even the Clowns Are Sad

It is with great sadness that I announce my sabbatical from blogging. For the next three months I will barely be able to lift my head to breathe - four newsletters due, new job rolling out fundraisers at 20 schools, PTO President and school starting, travel to Ft. Benning to see oldest graduate from Infantry Training, selling existing house and finishing up and moving into new house.
I love all of my blogging friends. I feel like you guys know me in ways others don't (oh please, not in the Biblical sense, pull your mind out of the gutter!). When I got an email this week from one (Wordgirl from Half of the Sky) asking where I have been I realized that I must make a decision on this.
I feel bad that I have not been able to read everyone's as faithfully as I would like. I will still be stopping by your blogs of course, so leave the light on...and the coffeepot. I'm gonna need the caffeine.
That is the saddest little clown, EVER. At least you'll be busy in a good way, right??
Anonymous, at 8/04/2006 10:32 AM
It must be bad if the clowns are crying.
You'll be missed . . .we'll be waiting.
Anonymous, at 8/04/2006 11:43 AM
Good luck with all the new projects, but I"ll miss your posts.
Trish, at 8/04/2006 12:52 PM
I'm really going to miss you! But I understand... Just don't mind me pouting over here in the corner.
Tink, at 8/04/2006 12:56 PM
Best wishes and good luck with all the projects.
We'll leave the light on for you, but please, don't send in the clowns.
Anonymous, at 8/04/2006 1:45 PM
Thanks for all the wonderful posts! Good luck with all your many projects, goodness, you sound busy. Take care.
Babaloo, at 8/04/2006 1:57 PM
I'll be missing you lots. Looking forward to your return ...
Renee, at 8/04/2006 2:05 PM
You must tho, take a moment... if you can... to post pictures of your son's graduation. And of the house.
P L E A S E :-)
Brenda, at 8/04/2006 2:19 PM
I totally understand. But I'll miss you. I've got coffee whenever you need it.
Anonymous, at 8/04/2006 2:28 PM
Have a fun sabbatical!
Heather, at 8/04/2006 3:29 PM
Good luck with your projects, Debbie! We'll be waiting for you when you return. (Maybe send up a flare?) ;^)
B.E.C.K., at 8/04/2006 3:31 PM
How dare you tend to your life, and take on paying work!
Keep blogging damnit!
Seriously, the interwebs will be here when you get back. Go take care of business. :-)
Type (little) a aka Michele, at 8/04/2006 6:45 PM
You'll stay on my Bloglines. Looking forward to seeing you whenever you have the time.
Anonymous, at 8/04/2006 7:11 PM
Well...I'd be lying if I said I was happy about this.
Anonymous, at 8/05/2006 3:33 PM
Best of luck with everything you've got going on. It's all exciting stuff! Write notes so you can fill us in when you get back!
Anonymous, at 8/05/2006 7:26 PM
Will miss reading you. Enjoy your time away...sounds like you will be very busy.
The Queen Mama, at 8/05/2006 8:51 PM
Best of luck with your many projects. I would also love to see pictures of son #1 graduating. No pressure. Just make sure we see them at some point. Looking forward to your return. Stay well.
Annie, The Evil Queen, at 8/05/2006 10:29 PM
Awwww Deb, I'm gonna miss you, but I understand. It seems like so many are taking a break. Maybe its just that time of year or something, yanno? Please let me know if you start blogging again.
Best wishes to you in EVERY endeavor.
Your friend,
Anonymous, at 8/06/2006 4:41 AM
Good for you, for taking a break instead of loading too much stuff on your plate.
Can you slip in some pics of the new house, at least?
Mignon, at 8/06/2006 12:00 PM
I'm not ready to take your blog off of my favorites list.
I'll keep checking, just in case.
These are exciting times for you. Take notes.
Anonymous, at 8/06/2006 12:16 PM
I'm with tank. I'm leaving you in my linkage. I hope you come back once things slow down. Take care!
Crazy MomCat, at 8/06/2006 10:32 PM
Good luck with all your projects. The new house looks great! I am sure you are excited. My email has changed. It begins just like the old one but now ends with @charter.net Lets try to stay in touch. Take care and good luck!!
Anonymous, at 8/07/2006 11:02 AM
Debbie, I am one of your probably thousand fans. I found you one night and kept coming back. I'm usually home alone and you have brought so much laughter to my world.
I can't wait, till you are back. Good luck with all your new adventures, the new house, and come back soon.
Your new blog friend,
Brenda T.
PEACE, at 8/07/2006 10:23 PM
Awww man. We'll miss you!
You're welcome down my way for some herbal tea at the very least!
Brooke, at 8/08/2006 9:36 PM
As brooke said, we will miss you, but take whatever time you need; we'll be here when things are less hectic!
Good luck with everything!
Jess Riley, at 8/08/2006 11:35 PM
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