Its Nasty Hot

House Update: This is where we are with the new house. It's "dried in" and the structural wiring is happening. Next is insulation and then drywall. I went over today and took a picture of every wall and ceiling for my hubby. He wants to see where all the wires are before they walled them in. I took 64 pictures! I told him I have learned to pacify crazy people. Its safer.
The house will look better when they put the brick and stone on. I still have to pick out wall and trim colors, stone for the fireplaces and more....AAAggghhhh!! In the words of Scarlet, "I'll think about it tomorrow!"
It's too hot to go outside. I don't even want to swim. So, I spend even more time glued to the t.v. watching Food Network. Since I have invested quite a few hours in this "occupation" I feel qualified to offer up my criticisms of the various chefs.
Sandra Lee - stop flashing your big boobies and blonde hair. My husband can't walk through a room without stopping for a look when you are on, you 'ho!
Bobby Flay - you give the word arrogance new meaning.
Emeril - Stop with the Bam. That is so old and I never found it cute to begin with.
Gina De Laurentis - EAT SOMETHING. How can you be a decent chef if you weigh less than 100 lbs.??
Rachel Ray - I love you girl but you are suffering from overexposure. And, who said you could host a talk show? Cooking up a quick dinner and conducting interviews in a witty and engaging manner are two totally different things.
Barefoot Contessa - Do you have any friends that are straight? Why only men? Do you not know any lesbians? Have you ever watched your show to hear how pretentious you sound?
I will now crawl back into my hole of nastiness. The heat is getting to me.
Rachel Ray-
The "EVOO" and "Yumm-O" business really bug the crap out of me. And the fake orgasm face when she eats something. And your right. She's spread so thin, I wouldn't be surprised if she gives me my next Pap Smear.
Booby Flay-
An ass. And I've eaten in one of his restaurants in NYC, and it was only OK
Do you watch Iron Chef/Iron Chef America? J/Daddy and I love Morimoto. And we also like the show where they compete to bake cakes and stuff.
Type (little) a aka Michele, at 7/12/2006 7:17 PM
OMG, have you watched "Take-Home Chef" on TLC? Hubba, and hubba.
B.E.C.K., at 7/12/2006 7:20 PM
I have not been able to get into the whole Iron Chef thing. I tried and it just didn't do anything for me.
The TLC Take Home hottie??? He could do ANYTHING to me and I would like it.
DebbieDoesLife, at 7/12/2006 8:37 PM
Notice how Rachael Ray always wears tight, black, *slimming* pants to hide her derriere?
And I call Giada the "anorexic Italian girl with the huge head and man hands" - check both out next time.
And Ina Garten is ok, except the scenes where she gets in the bubble bath. Have you seen those? The tub is like half full, and then she gets in and it almost overflows. So strange to include that in a cooking show.
teahouse, at 7/12/2006 9:45 PM
Hehehe! I'm a Food Network junkie so I appreciated this one. I do watch Rachel Ray religiously, but I agree about the over-exposure. I'm afraid she's going to bomb on the talk show deal too.
I prefer Paula Dean. She's a good Southern gal and she and her family LOOK like they eat her cooking too. Now, that's realistic! Besides, her husband looks like Santa Claus. How can you not like her?
Love, love, love the house!
Crazy MomCat, at 7/12/2006 9:49 PM
Woo Deb! What fabulous digs! And a nice lot, too. Will it be done by Thanksgiving?
Anonymous, at 7/13/2006 4:08 AM
I like Gale Gand...
Arabella, at 7/13/2006 9:10 AM
I love your house!
And I don't watch any cooking shows so I'll just agree with all of your critiques!
Renee, at 7/13/2006 9:24 AM
I don't have cable.... so I don't get to watch, but heck, I can't cook either, so a cooking show would be wasted on me.
Love the house! Of course, we need more pictures!
Brenda, at 7/13/2006 10:28 AM
The house is going to be incredible! God, I'm so jealous you don't have to do your own painting. Although that's the only exercise I'm getting lately. My right arm is going to be huge and the rest of my body will be puny.
Anonymous, at 7/13/2006 10:39 AM
Oooh! The house is fantastic! I can't wait to see the brick and stone.
Rachel Ray... love her food and recipes, books too- but yeah, EVOO and "YummO" need to DIE.
Anonymous, at 7/13/2006 4:03 PM
Wow. I'm pretty sure your garage will be bigger than my entire house. Looks great!
Heather, at 7/13/2006 6:11 PM
I'm afraid if I watch food shows I'll just eat more. And nobody wants that.
Anonymous, at 7/13/2006 9:12 PM
The house...the lot...the TREES. Awestruck.
I do not cook, so I do not watch cooking shows. I do not need some ho wearing black slimming pants shouting Bam! at a lesbian to remind me that I am a lousy cook.
Anonymous, at 7/13/2006 9:51 PM
Oh my gosh, color me green with envy at your new house! We're trying to renovate our rathole, and I can't help but fantasize about just moving into something NEW.
I'm with you on the whole Food Network personality thing. Gina just inspires nastiness in me. And Emeril, man...he's still on?
Jess Riley, at 7/13/2006 10:37 PM
The new house looks great! Does he plan to do something with all of the wiring that he needs photos? I thought you have ahouse built so it's done when you move in.
Annie, The Evil Queen, at 7/14/2006 11:54 AM
I totally agree with every comment. I loved Rachel Ray until the overexposure. That's what being an Oprah fave gets you. I also get annoyed by that guy on How to Boil Water, Tyler something, who has the chick with the guy name, Jack something, just standing there acting like a dumb blonde while he cooks and teaches.
And I love Paula Dean. She's so down to earth The Barefoot Contessa got in a bath on her show? ICK!
Great house. Is that in Spring or the Woodlands?
Trish, at 7/14/2006 1:19 PM
Emeril's "BAM!" drives me crazy.
It's nasty hot here too -- too hot to go outside without coming back in and wanting to sleep for a week. Ugh. I hate this kind of heat. The thing that kills me is the humidity -- it's awful here.
Anonymous, at 7/14/2006 1:42 PM
THATS the house you're building? Oh girl, it's lovely! I'm afraid Hoop can never see it though. He'll fall in love and next thing we know he'll be begging for you to adopt him. ;)
Tink, at 7/14/2006 3:48 PM
Nice house -- even without the brick.
I'm with you on the food channel. I used to like the old English babes who called themselves "Two fat ladies" they were hilarious. I want to smack the Barefoot Contessa, and Rachel Ray....don't get me started. My husband adores her, so hence my feeling.
Carmel, at 7/14/2006 11:11 PM
You took the words right out of my mouth! How can Giada be Italian?She has the boobs, but where's the ass, the hips? That little bite she takes is ALL she eats!
Angel, at 7/17/2006 7:31 PM
I've watched Rachel just a few times, I think she's obnoxious and hate her accent. I've seen her previews for a talk show...I know I won't watch it.
That house is so totally cool.
Anonymous, at 7/18/2006 3:48 PM
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