A Very Fine Friday
For your viewing and listening pleasure on this fine Friday here is the undisputed Worst Music Video of all Time. If you can make it to the end of this thing, you should win something. Really.
Have a great weekend.
For your viewing and listening pleasure on this fine Friday here is the undisputed Worst Music Video of all Time. If you can make it to the end of this thing, you should win something. Really.
Have a great weekend.
If Conan O'Brien was president of Finland, THIS would never have happened!
Anonymous, at 6/16/2006 10:40 AM
OMG, I can't stop laughing. I want this played at my wedding!
Trish, at 6/16/2006 10:42 AM
Oh no, Debbie, that is the BEST VIDEO OF ALL TIME!!!!
It totally blows away David Hassellhoff and the weiner dogs.
Thank you thank you - I think that made my day.
(By the way, what are they eating out of the bulk food bags at the end - yoghurt pretzels, dates, chocolate covered raisins?)
Mignon, at 6/16/2006 11:15 AM
I loved Dave and the weiner dogs. But did anyone notice that this was apparently played on MTV?! I laughed so hard at the horrid dancing and almost choked on my nachos.
Anonymous, at 6/16/2006 11:59 AM
The word HORRID doesn't do the dancing justice.
My high school drill team could have done way better than this. And we were sometimes wasted when we performed.
DebbieDoesLife, at 6/16/2006 12:22 PM
I was wondering if it was real. I thought it was a home movie.
Trish, at 6/16/2006 2:51 PM
I suck. I didn't make it to the end of it. Didn't even make it to the middle. I hope you have a nice weekend too.
Anonymous, at 6/16/2006 3:46 PM
Aaaahhh! My eyes! My ears!! ;^)
B.E.C.K., at 6/17/2006 4:35 PM
LOL Yep...the worst music video ever...undisputed. Too funny!!
Anonymous, at 6/17/2006 5:53 PM
Horrible. But, I'm afraid, a ear worm. EEK!
Sharon, at 6/17/2006 7:01 PM
That was kind of like Lawrence Welk on acid.
Anonymous, at 6/18/2006 9:00 PM
Wow. Words cannot describe how awful that was. I sat through the whole thing, embarrassed for them yet unable to control my giggles, and then I sent off the link to everyone I know who has a sense of humor and an e-mail address. It may be almost as bad as the David Hasselhoff video. But not quite.
Anonymous, at 6/18/2006 9:40 PM
Hahaha! Say, I think I have an old aerobics tape like that.
Jess Riley, at 6/19/2006 4:18 PM
Yep, you sure got a winner there....
Ditsy Chick, at 6/19/2006 11:51 PM
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