Family Reunion. Those two words either send shivers up your spine or tingles of joy. Luckily for me, its the tingles.
One year ago, I started planning a family reunion for my immediate family, and my brothers and their family units, plus the parents. I was sick and tired of everyone TALKING about how much fun it would be to get together for a vacation (that wasn't Thanksgiving or Christmas) but no one would plan it.
Okay, its a curse. I am a planner. I admit it and embrace it. So, I set out to plan a reunion. I picked a location that would enable my parents to get there without having to go through any major city or thoroughfares. I wasn't able to find a way that didn't involve interstate highways but if you charted your course around "rush hour" then you were fine.
I found a small lake with cabins. Each family had their own. Plenty of privacy. So, the cabins were built circa 1960? Kitchenette in this case meant two burners and a teensy fridge. Oh, and a sink. (don't forget the spiders and roaches - all a part of the flora and fauna) I had even sent out a menu for the weekend and what each family should bring for each meal. Since it turned out there were no ovens, I had to make "baked beans" via a cook top. It worked and my "slow-cooked" beans were ready in 20 minutes.
Of course, we picked a weekend with the biggest heat wave ever! Thank God there was a swimming beach. Yes, it was a mudhole in Oklahomabut you know what? When it tops 100 you will swim in a pothole.
Saturday night I dubbed "Luau Night". Here I am with my two boys (boy #3 is still at basic training in Georgia)
. That thing in the foreground is Kipper's tail. Small dogs were allowed in the cabins. (ask Kipper what she did to the mini-blinds in our cabin!! She is a very bad dog and I am sure small dogs will be banned in the future!).
We all decided against cooking out Saturday night since we were calculating the heat factor standing over a grill (500-600 degrees????) so we went to a hut up the road dubbed "Catfish Cabin." NOTE TO ALL: Do not order a salad at a place that specializes in "all you can eat fried catfish." Then we came back and luau'd with s'mores and Hawaiian music.
We had several rousing games of "Apples to Apples" over the weekend (board game - I bought it at Target) and many laughs. We had lots to celebrate since my Dad's cardiology work-up came back fine, no heart attack, no blockages. Just high blood pressure and fast heart beat but both contollable via meds. He has already lost some weight and looks better. He did tire fast this weekend but he had a good time in spite of that.
My family was all already planning next years but of course dubbed me Executor of the Reunion. My thinking cap is on and I am already trying to think of a great place.
One year ago, I started planning a family reunion for my immediate family, and my brothers and their family units, plus the parents. I was sick and tired of everyone TALKING about how much fun it would be to get together for a vacation (that wasn't Thanksgiving or Christmas) but no one would plan it.
Okay, its a curse. I am a planner. I admit it and embrace it. So, I set out to plan a reunion. I picked a location that would enable my parents to get there without having to go through any major city or thoroughfares. I wasn't able to find a way that didn't involve interstate highways but if you charted your course around "rush hour" then you were fine.
I found a small lake with cabins. Each family had their own. Plenty of privacy. So, the cabins were built circa 1960? Kitchenette in this case meant two burners and a teensy fridge. Oh, and a sink. (don't forget the spiders and roaches - all a part of the flora and fauna) I had even sent out a menu for the weekend and what each family should bring for each meal. Since it turned out there were no ovens, I had to make "baked beans" via a cook top. It worked and my "slow-cooked" beans were ready in 20 minutes.
Of course, we picked a weekend with the biggest heat wave ever! Thank God there was a swimming beach. Yes, it was a mudhole in Oklahomabut you know what? When it tops 100 you will swim in a pothole.
Saturday night I dubbed "Luau Night". Here I am with my two boys (boy #3 is still at basic training in Georgia)

We all decided against cooking out Saturday night since we were calculating the heat factor standing over a grill (500-600 degrees????) so we went to a hut up the road dubbed "Catfish Cabin." NOTE TO ALL: Do not order a salad at a place that specializes in "all you can eat fried catfish." Then we came back and luau'd with s'mores and Hawaiian music.
We had several rousing games of "Apples to Apples" over the weekend (board game - I bought it at Target) and many laughs. We had lots to celebrate since my Dad's cardiology work-up came back fine, no heart attack, no blockages. Just high blood pressure and fast heart beat but both contollable via meds. He has already lost some weight and looks better. He did tire fast this weekend but he had a good time in spite of that.
My family was all already planning next years but of course dubbed me Executor of the Reunion. My thinking cap is on and I am already trying to think of a great place.
Family Reunions are the BEST! Glad you all had a good time. Creating memories is always special!
Brenda, at 7/16/2006 10:27 PM
Ohh! Where was this? I know you live somewhere near where I do and I'd love to know of a good place for family get-togethers. It sounds perfect for when my Dad's family comes our way. Glad you had a good weekend and GAWD you're right it was SO hot, wasn't it?
Crazy MomCat, at 7/16/2006 11:34 PM
My first family reunion planning experience involved planning for 66 people--meeting at the lake/pavilion/beach in my neighborhood. I made all the side dishes and desserts and ordered stuff so people could make their own subs. I didn't want anyone to miss the reunion because they were stuck at the grill all day.
Second time I did it on a much smaller scale and held it at my house. That was more than 10 years ago, and no one has hosted one since I "retired" from hosting!
Anonymous, at 7/17/2006 5:04 AM
Great job, Debbie! I'm not one for reunions, but yours sure sounds great! maybe I'll have to plan one now...
Renee, at 7/17/2006 9:35 AM
Congratulations on your successful planning. I am NOT a planner, so something like that would throw me into fits. Sounds like you did a great job!
AND you look awesome in your sarong :o)
Anonymous, at 7/17/2006 10:18 AM
I'm glad your dad is doing well.
Arabella, at 7/17/2006 10:28 AM
I should hire you to plan my family vacations next time. Maybe then they wouldn't end up so disastrous. :) And I love the luau idea!
Tink, at 7/17/2006 10:44 AM
You do look stunning in the sarong.
Probably wouldn't work for all occasions, but your lucky hubby should have you dress that way around the house.
I know it's a typo, but I love the word "Oklahomabut."
Anonymous, at 7/17/2006 10:55 AM
You're right. I meant to type Oklahomabutt!! (kidding.)
MomCat: We were at Lake Murray.
Tank: What do you mean? I am wearing my sarong right now and going out to mow the yard!
DebbieDoesLife, at 7/17/2006 11:02 AM
I'm not a planner if I have to literally DRAG everyone along with me.'d have to plan our next family reunion as well. Hmmm. Maybe that's your calling in life.
Anonymous, at 7/17/2006 1:16 PM
I can't believe you even worked in a Theme Night for a family reunion! But then, I guess we did too, except we would've called it K.Fed Night, aka Get Drunk and Ignore the Fact that You Have Kids, aka Girlz Gone Wild in Winthrop.
(I love the beach-toweled, flip-flopped, ambiguous-sexuality pirate! - Please don't tell him I said that...)
Mignon, at 7/17/2006 1:26 PM
Have you ever thought of working as a party (or wedding) planner? You sound like a natural! Your family reunion sounds like a lot of fun, despite the heat and mud. And those kids of yours are a couple of characters! They must keep you laughing. :-)
B.E.C.K., at 7/17/2006 3:58 PM
That reunion sounds awesome! Everyone's right, you should go into "family reunion" planning! You could wear the sarong to meet clients!
Babaloo, at 7/17/2006 4:06 PM
Ok, can I just say that your boys are absolutely adorable???
teahouse, at 7/17/2006 10:26 PM
Oh, Debbie, just reading about your planning this vacation makes me sleepy. You do more before 9 am.......
Type (little) a aka Michele, at 7/17/2006 10:51 PM
Sounds like a great trip. My family goes to a lake in Vermont every summer, but I've lived too far away to join them. One fo these summers I'm going to make it. I love your hula outfits.
Annie, The Evil Queen, at 7/18/2006 12:14 PM
It was over 100 this past week here and I really thought about swimming in a pothole (well not an actual one, but I considered running under the sprinkler). Is there anything more wicked good than s'mores? I think not. Glad all is well.
Heather, at 7/18/2006 8:58 PM
What a fantastic picture!
Also, all you can eat fried catfish sounds like my idea of nirvana......mmmmm, catfish.....
Mommygoth, at 7/19/2006 9:15 AM
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