
Me, an inner tube and a beer. That will be my weekend. Floating down the Frio River. I will post pics if they are not too incriminating.
I need a relaxing weekend. After the week I had AND putting my house on the market. Can you say "Let's pack up all the crap, paint a bedroom and hallway and clean in one night"! Then yes, we are ready to sell the house.
Have a FUNtastic weekend.
OK. I'll buy your house. On 2 conditions. Sell it to me for under $200K and truck it up to NJ.
Thanks. You're a doll.
AND, is the river really called River Frio? Or are you speaking Spanglish?
Type (little) a aka Michele, at 7/26/2006 10:05 PM
I just did the tubing thing last weekend. It IS the perfect way to get... er float away from all your troubles.
Good luck on the house! I totally feel you on the pack, dash, paint, and clean jitters. But it's so worth it when it's done!
Tink, at 7/27/2006 12:21 PM
Good luck on the house sale.
Tubing down the river sounds wonderful. Here you can't do it with beer, because too many stupid, drunk people have drowned and ruined it for the rest of us.
Unknown, at 7/27/2006 12:35 PM
Anonymous, at 7/27/2006 1:31 PM
That looks like so much fun! Have a terrific time, and be safe!
Anonymous, at 7/27/2006 8:29 PM
Am so jealous. Enjoy! And good luck selling the house.
The Queen Mama, at 7/27/2006 10:36 PM
Oh that sounds so wicked good. I think the only way to improve on that would be with booze, but really? I still say it sounds wicked.
Heather, at 7/28/2006 7:57 PM
Have a good time. I'm going on my first "tubing" excursion next weekend. Looking forward to it. Your earlier posts made me cry for the families of the boys. You definitely need to find soem fun.
Carmel, at 7/29/2006 10:09 AM
Hope you had a great time floatin' down the river. That's a true Texan's kind of vacation, isn't it? Good luck with the house stuff!
Crazy MomCat, at 7/29/2006 4:54 PM
Can I hide in your suitcase and come along? Best of luck with the house. I'm guessing as long as it has AC you're in good shape. :)
Annie, The Evil Queen, at 7/29/2006 11:28 PM
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