Hurricanes and What Not
The past two weeks have been crazy. I discovered that I am much better on the preparing end of a hurricane then the aftermath. No power or water for 12 days makes this girl very cranky. You might be able to live without power but you can't without water (we are on our own well, elec powers the pump). I left for Big D (Dallas) up north of me two days after the storm hit. I have family there. I had somewhere to go to find electricity, food and shelter. I had options. Many in Houston and the surrounding areas did not.
Who knew that ice would become so valuable? Gasoline impossible to find? Grocery store shelves empty?
We were pretty lucky in my neighborhood - compared to Galveston. We lost about 12 - 14 trees just in my yard. None hit the house. The next day after the torrential rain finally stopped, the kids and I drove around. It was shocking. Huge, 80 ft. pines ripped out by the roots and laying on houses. Power lines yanked to the ground by aged oak trees. Cars crushed in driveways by fallen trees. We realized how lucky we were. Here's a pic of the hubs and the middle son using the chain saw (men and chainsaws - don't get me started!) That's my driveway and the street in front. A huge tree from across the road was actually blocking the road. It almost crushed my mailbox. Here's the thing to think about: I live 80 miles inland from Galveston. This was a cat 2 storm. I can promise you , I will never stay through anything any stronger.
We got the winds about 2:00am Saturday morning, the 13th, and lost power around 4:00am. There were gusts where I just squinched my eyes shut and waited for something to hit my house or the sound of breaking glass. Again, we were very lucky. My next door neighbor lost the tops of his chimneys. Bricks crashed through his roof. Water ruined his wood floors.
We threw out everything in our refrigerator and freezer. I hated throwing away perfectly good food but it would be ruined in days.
My son's teacher had a tree crash through her bedroom. Her house is unliveable at this point. Everyone around here has an "Ike" story. He will be remembered for many years.
Just this weekend the sound of generators stopped permeating the night. We don't own a generator but I have already written to Santa and requested one.
So glad that you are safe. Houses can be replaced. People...not so much.
Brenda, at 9/30/2008 10:40 AM
My god. I'm glad to hear that you're ok. I don't know how people who live in areas that are threatened by hurricanes or tornadoes can stand it, but then I guess you'd think the same thing of urban New Jersey...all things are relative.
Candy, at 9/30/2008 1:15 PM
Glad to see you are all OK. I was beginning to worry
Anonymous, at 9/30/2008 1:49 PM
We have a generator but didn't need it. Now it's down south "visiting" the brother of a friend who has no electricity.
Anonymous, at 9/30/2008 2:40 PM
I'm so glad to hear y'all didn't get any serious damage. I wondered about you because I thought you lived in an area with a lot of trees. You're right though, more than a Cat 2 and I don't know that I'd stay anymore. And, my parents have already said they're buying us a generator for Xmas.
Crazy MomCat, at 9/30/2008 4:06 PM
I can't imagine going 2 weeks with power. I was in Tampa when Fey hit and everyone laughed at me for going out and buying a case of water. Fortunately, we didn't have to use it.
We had friends in Houston and were anxiously awaiting their call and it was days before they could get through. They have a motor home and a generator and moved into it for 2 weeks...same thing as you, no power.
I hope things are starting to get back to some kind of normal. We have heard on the news about the gas shortage and it seems like some effort should be made by the government to get gas to the area and helping people who really need it.
Glad to have you back online. Will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
PEACE, at 9/30/2008 10:22 PM
I'm glad you guys are OK! Being without power sucks. When we lost power for two weeks (about four years ago) I couldn't stop craving ice. I grew a great distaste for hot drinks. But at least we had water. My parents, who were on a well, had to bathe in rain water.
Tink, at 10/01/2008 2:10 PM
Glad to hear y'all made it through okay. I know exactly how those days were for you!
Renee, at 10/02/2008 9:56 PM
I am glad to know you and your family are alright. I remember preparing for huricanes as a little girl growing up in Ft.Lauderdale. We would fill the bath tub and sinks with water, and our windows had permanent metal 'sun shade canopys' that we would close down over the windows and lock shut. It was always scary to hear the wind howl but from a childs perspective...I was excited about it being all over so we could go out in the streets and watch the fish that magically ended up swimming in all the street puddles. Guess it is quite different to face as an adult. Again...I am glad you are safe and sound.
Anonymous, at 10/04/2008 2:39 PM
I'm really glad you are all ok. I grew up on the Gulf Coast as well, and I remember evacuating a couple of times. It's never fun and always horribly unsettling, and the best feeling in the world is coming home and seeing that everything is ok.
teahouse, at 10/15/2008 8:37 PM
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