R U Emo?
My college age son came in from the gameroom scrounging for leftover baby shower food and somehow we ended up talking about kids who are "Emo." You've heard of goths and punks, right? Well, now there is Emo. Its been around awhile but obviously, I am a totally out of it, non emo-ing mom.
One of my friend's daughters at the shower started saying how everyone is emo. That's when I realized she IS EMO herself. She has the blonde streaked hair hanging over one eye, wears very different and very interesting outfits, most which have a black theme. Don't get me wrong, she looks good cuz it all goes together and somehow works on her. But, don't watch for this over the hill momma to be going emo anytime soon.
My son said that these are the kids who are "emotional" about everything. They listen to emotional "my boyfriend/girlfriend left me" music and then cry and whine about how their parents bought them a Lexus instead of a BMW. Boy, that is sad. Emo's wear lots of make-up (guys too, but they are not gay necessarily).
No one over the age of 25 knew what Emo was when we started the conversation but every junior high kid there did. I also knew there was a Generation Gap but always prided myself on being on the "right" side of it. When you have become uncool, do you ever really realize it?
My daughter described "emo" to me as "boys who wear girl's pants." And all I could think was, gosh, that has to be uncomfortable, given how tight the pants for teen girls are (I assume it's teen-girl's pants, not middle-aged-woman girl's pants).
The Gradual Gardener, at 1/15/2006 2:12 PM
Never, ever heard of it. By the time my boys are teens I am going to be so far behind. Thanks for the education.
Ditsy Chick, at 1/15/2006 2:33 PM
I realized that I had become uncool about 10 years ago. Actually, I realized at the same time that I had never really been that cool to begin with.
But that's OK. I just let my freak flag fly anyway. Cool is overrated.
The Queen Mama, at 1/15/2006 2:58 PM
EMO= Rich kids who try to act whiny and poor. Will eventually go to private college and beg for money on the street before driving said Lexus back to the private dorm.
SJ wants to kick EMO ass.
PS I didnt know what it was, but recognized it the second I saw it.
Anonymous, at 1/15/2006 4:59 PM
I'm so not with it. I'd never heard of that in my life. Thanks for making me a little more hip.
Renee, at 1/15/2006 10:36 PM
hey...I just wanted to comment on EMO...Its a strange occurance...EMO kids don't admit that they are EMO...they point out other kids (who look just like them) and say that they are EMO. Apparently EMO is taboo. Someone once said its like being a democrat ten years ago...you could be one but you didnt talk about it. I can't relate to that though as I'm only 23. My 19 y/o brother is EMO. He wears womens jeans, but he claims its for when he's BMXing (riding his bike) and he wears shirts that are too tight, has half a sleeve of tattoos, and has plugs in his ears. The upside of having an EMO brother...he's a good kid...he cares about other people and he respects his friends and family. EMO girls are harder to explain...
Anonymous, at 1/16/2006 9:09 AM
There goes my idea about opening a "Church of Cool." Cause evidently I'm NOT. I've never heard of this before. Although I recognized the style right off. I'm 22 and totally out of the loop. I blame it on Florida. It's all Ska and skater here. ;)
Tink, at 1/16/2006 10:20 AM
Hey, Debbie! Give it up for POP TARTS! ;)
I'm so unhip and out of it. EMO? Never heard of it. When I first read this I thought it said Elmo and I was like, "Yeah, I know who Elmo is." LOL!
mamatulip, at 1/16/2006 2:07 PM
Oh, fuck. How is it that I've managed to get this old?
Glad I'm not the only one who thought it was a misspelling of "Elmo."
Arabella, at 1/16/2006 2:59 PM
Yeah I thought "Elmo" too. Ha. I've seen those kids everywhere, I just called it "punk" or "goth" or something, I didn't know it had a name that was different or that it actaully meant something!! Plus- I hate the "heart" thing. I see it EVERYWHERE, especially the blogosphere. I don't heart burritos, okay? I LOVE burritos. I LOVE motorcycles. Of course, in English, we use the term "love" in about nine different ways. In Greek there are different words for each degree of "like", all the way up to "love" which is AGAPE, a word most people should recognize.
Anonymous, at 1/23/2006 6:49 PM
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