The Vows that Must Be Broken
Happy 2008! I hope you rang in the New Year with someone you love and look forward to it with hope. Did you make any resolutions? I don't put a lot of stock in resolutions and feel they are empty vows made on Jan. 1st but end up being thrown to the wayside by Jan. 21st.
I think it was last year I vowed to stop cussing so much. Well, shit. That didn't happen. I am happy to report that I curse LESS. Just with more feeling.
Frustratingly enough, my mind automatically goes into resolution mode on December 31st. Maybe it is the perpetual optimist in me. Maybe its the siren call of the evil media "telling" me I must create these promises that I have no intention of keeping. So, I decided to make a few resolutions that I felt completely in my realm of keepable vows.
1. I resolve to always have plenty of toilet paper in my house. If this seems a little strange to you then you must know of my fear that one day I will open the cabinet to find I have run out of toilet paper. I don't know if as a small child something tragic befell me (a camping trip? Leaves??) All I know is I stock up on t.p. like a chipmunk storing nuts for winter.
2. I resolve to tell the people I love how great they are. I have existed in a world where I just thought my family and friends already KNEW I thought they were super. But after an incident recently, it was brought to my attention that they would like verbal confirmation of their specialness in my life. I can do that.
3. I will stop saying out loud that I have amazing hair. I grew up my whole life with horrible hair. Naturally frizzy, bushy, impossible to control hair. I lived with a "Pixie" haircut from 2nd through 5th grade! Then about two years ago, I discovered the miracle of chemically straightening it and have achieved the Shangri-la of hair. But enough, I am sure people are getting tired of it....oh good Lord! Who am I kidding? I have AMAZING hair!!!!

From my house to yours....Happy New Year!
What a nice looking family you have! And I agree, your hair IS pretty great! :-)
Happy New Year.
Type (little) a aka Michele, at 1/01/2008 11:50 AM
What a beautiful family. Hold them tight. And I ditto your #2.
And great hair!
Brenda, at 1/01/2008 12:47 PM
Great hair, toilet paper ... what's not to love.
I like the family picture.
Happy New Year!
Anonymous, at 1/01/2008 1:05 PM
Hey, the TP thing is pretty darn important...and you have a house of boys/men. Stick with that one!
You have pretty skin too--what a cute picture of your family. Have a great New Year!
Crazy MomCat, at 1/01/2008 3:52 PM
OK, my first reaction to the picture was (of COURSE we looked at your hair)great hair!! And then I looked at your husband. Wow, he is very cute!! No wonder you have such beautiful children. Wait. I'm sure you had something to do with that too!!
Jan Ross, at 1/01/2008 4:30 PM
Happy 2008!!
And you DO have amazing hair!! I'm quite jealous.
And wowza..who are all of those handsome young men in that photo??
teahouse, at 1/01/2008 5:48 PM
Great looking family. husband is hot.
Anonymous, at 1/01/2008 6:58 PM
What a good looking family! We can never get a photo taken without someone making a face or having their eyes closed.
Happy New Year!
Tink, at 1/02/2008 8:43 AM
Hello DebbieDoesLife,
I read your comment on Tink's site. I was intrigued by the name of your blog. I like your discussion of resolutions, and you do have amazing hair. With my hair, the most I hope for is clean.
Happy New Year
Molly, at 1/02/2008 8:58 AM
Happy New Year, Debbie and Debbie's Family!
My husband would join you in your obsession with bung-fodder, as he calls it. It's right up there with his need to keep us loaded up on garbage bags. I don't ask, I just do.
(and p.s., you have great hair.)
Candy, at 1/02/2008 10:04 AM
I can't believe NO ONE has yet mentioned your amazing resemblance to Heather Locklear yet. I'm proud to be the first in 2008.
Still a Curly Grrrl after all these years, waiting for curly hair to come back in style.
Veronica, at 1/05/2008 10:08 AM
I am a believer in New Year's goals rather than resolutions. I'm doing pretty well with mine so far.
Isn't it amazing how we forget to praise the people we love? I think I may add that to my list.
And go ahead and bask in the wonderfulness that is your hair. It's okay to love yourself too. :)
Annie, The Evil Queen, at 1/06/2008 4:15 PM
What a great-looking bunch you've got there! Happy New Year! :-)
B.E.C.K., at 1/08/2008 1:07 AM
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