The Poop Post

Due to an extreme amount of Christmas overload (I am tired of feeling like I MUST wear red or green!! And, people asking me if I finished my shopping) I am posting about something totally different. I am sure you will appreciate this little respite from the crazy holidays. So, sit back - grab yourself something to eat or drink, or, er, maybe not....
This whole detox/colonic cleansing/crazy shit thing is something that for some reason caught my eye this week. So, I consulted my medical practitioner (the Internet!!) so I could see what this is all about.
There are recipes galore out there - drinks with lemons, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, fast for 1/3/10/40 days (wouldn't I be dead after 40 days??) eat only raw food, etc.etc. all meant to cleanse your body of toxins. But, this site caught my eye. Only click on it if you truly have a strong stomach. These images will remain burned onto your retina forever....seriously, don't say I didn't WARN YOU. Click Here
These are pictures of what came out of people during their cleansing. People took pictures of their POOP. My eyes needed an opthalmic cleansing after that.
This whole detox/colonic cleansing/crazy shit thing is something that for some reason caught my eye this week. So, I consulted my medical practitioner (the Internet!!) so I could see what this is all about.
There are recipes galore out there - drinks with lemons, cayenne pepper, maple syrup, fast for 1/3/10/40 days (wouldn't I be dead after 40 days??) eat only raw food, etc.etc. all meant to cleanse your body of toxins. But, this site caught my eye. Only click on it if you truly have a strong stomach. These images will remain burned onto your retina forever....seriously, don't say I didn't WARN YOU. Click Here
These are pictures of what came out of people during their cleansing. People took pictures of their POOP. My eyes needed an opthalmic cleansing after that.
Do any of you believe in this? Did you know your liver does the same thing every 36 hours? I don't know that a day of fasting and drinking lemon water isn't good for you every now and then but don't go spend a ton of money on this stuff. But, I would love to hear from someone who does. Notice I said HEAR (as in comment) Please do NOT send me photos of your poop.
Ya know ... I'm wondering what that stuff is they are holding up. I have colonoscopies 1-2 times a year. I have pictures from the inside of my colon. You can clean your colon in 1 day. It looks like they swallowed a dish rag or something. WTF???
If you really want to do this. Follow this simple procedure.
For 1-2 days eat white rice, bread, bananas or applesauce. Eat as much as you want. Who cares.
The day you need to cleanse drink lots of water and follow the directions on a bottle of Manganese Citrate ( or Magnesium Citrate ..whatever ) You may need 2 bottles.
When your poop is not poop but watery and clear, you're done.
What these people don't tell you is that when you do this you are getting rid of the good bacteria in your colon that helps you digest stuff and ward off diseases. You are also increasing your risk of hemroids ( sp ).
The best way to not have to do this is to eat a low fat high fiber diet with smaller portions of food.
People will buy some of the craziest crap ... no pun intended.
Anonymous, at 12/18/2007 8:33 AM
Ya know ... I'm wondering what that stuff is they are holding up. I have colonoscopies 1-2 times a year. I have pictures from the inside of my colon. You can clean your colon in 1 day. It looks like they swallowed a dish rag or something. WTF???
If you really want to do this. Follow this simple procedure.
For 1-2 days eat white rice, bread, bananas or applesauce. Eat as much as you want. Who cares.
The day you need to cleanse drink lots of water and follow the directions on a bottle of Manganese Citrate ( or Magnesium Citrate ..whatever ) You may need 2 bottles.
When your poop is not poop but watery and clear, you're done.
What these people don't tell you is that when you do this you are getting rid of the good bacteria in your colon that helps you digest stuff and ward off diseases. You are also increasing your risk of hemroids ( sp ).
The best way to not have to do this is to eat a low fat high fiber diet with smaller portions of food.
People will buy some of the craziest crap ... no pun intended.
Anonymous, at 12/18/2007 8:33 AM
Holy Shit! I just bought a 5 day cleansing program from a friend that has a holistic (sp?) vitamin shop. What I just saw was not part of the program. What the hell are these people expelling from their bodies. It reminds me of the time my dog swallowed a pair of pantyhose. I have my doubts!! If I do this I will post later for everyone to see. HAHA NO!
Anonymous, at 12/18/2007 10:26 AM
I figure that if human beings survived 30000 years or so without blowing their colons out, then I assume we can go forth with strong confidence that mother nature got it right in the beginning!
Spamboy, at 12/18/2007 12:20 PM
I agree with the commenter above - I have had a colonoscopy and what you expel is NOTHING like what those people are showing; it's just regular poo that gets more and more watery. And...ewww...did you see the one person who had theirs in a colander? I sure hope they chucked that after they took the picture. Although, again. Those pictures can't be real!
Jan Ross, at 12/18/2007 3:41 PM
Ya, that's probably my myspace page. I have a link on my blog to my myspace page. I haven't done anything there in a while. You can email me from my site if you want.
You know, I think that stuff in the toilet is from the vitamins people are taking. If it's coming out like that, what is it leaving inside of you??????
Anonymous, at 12/18/2007 5:11 PM
WTH did those people eat -- yarn? Looks like something my dog might expel. Gack.
B.E.C.K., at 12/19/2007 2:25 PM
Two words:
Colon Blow.
One of the funniest fake commercials on SNL.
Anonymous, at 12/19/2007 9:25 PM
And now? I must go shower in some bleach. With my eyes and mouth open.
Honestly...I've never seen anything that made me want to hurl more than those pictures. And yet all of these people are so proud of their poo. Just like a kid who is starting to potty train. Only there's an excuse for why a toddler's poo looks like he/she swallowed their own shoelaces. BECAUSE THEY PROBABLY DID. These people, on the other hand, are just sad.
Anonymous, at 12/20/2007 10:44 PM
OH. MY. GOD. This post and the comments are just about the funniest things I've seen in ages.
And holy shit is right.
Anonymous, at 12/21/2007 9:35 AM
I also love how people in the pics are holding their poo with chopsticks. I may never be able to eat Chinese food again.
B.E.C.K., at 12/21/2007 11:27 AM
OK, those pictures horrified me so much that I did some research to find out what the hell they were all about. Here's what I found:
>>It turns out that this "colon cleansing" contains an ingredient (can't recall the name offhand) that actually sticks to your intestinal walls and makes a cast of your intestine. Those horrid looking "turds" are a product of what goes into you during the cleansing, not what is there to begin with.<<
Tink, at 12/24/2007 1:44 PM
That is just nasty! Thanks to Tink for doing the research to find out WTF that was!!
Merry Christmas, Debbie, to you and your family! Wishes for health and happiness in 2008!
Anonymous, at 12/24/2007 7:00 PM
Eeeeeekkkkk!!! That's too much to bear! I so agree to the comments above :(
Serene, at 6/07/2012 10:09 AM
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