Italia & more!
I spent most of the weekend planning our trip to Italy. I am never happier than when I am planning an event. It gets all my brain cells firing and the adrenaline hums through my system.
You see, this will be my third trip to Europe. The first was a work thing so they took care of all the sight-seeing, connections and transportation. The second was with the oldest and his friend and I planned EVERYTHING. Hotels, train schedules, sights etc.etc. Rick Steve's travel books are my bible!
Well, for the Italy part of our trip, I am again in the driver's seat. Which is just the way I like it. I am not a "group tour" kind of person. I like to be flexible and creative. The hubs and I like to move at our own pace, which is a fast one. I like to stay at small boutique hotels that maybe have 7-10 rooms. I am all set up in Venice, Florence and Rome. I want to ride a bike through Florence so plan to rent a couple.

The first part of our trip the hubs and I will be on our own. Then we will go to Croatia for work stuff. See the picture? That is Dubrovnik on the Dalmation Coast. I will be spending three days here. It gives me shivers just thinking about it.
This will be the most exotic locale I have ever visited. I am sure I will annoy you with tons of pictures afterwards.
I will never forget going to a friend's house and his dad got out his 10,000 slides of Colorado. This dad had never really said much before but low and behold! He managed to narrate each and every picture of each and every Aspen tree that happened to be growing that year. I will try not to be that way.
Uhh, how fabulous is that! I am dripping with envy.
Anonymous, at 6/11/2007 9:01 AM
WOW, that sounds great. Can I sto away?
Renee, at 6/11/2007 10:34 AM
Jealous! I went to Rome a couple of years ago and brought my old pal Rick Steve's along, too. He has also accompanied me to England and Scotland.
You're going to have so much fun.
Anonymous, at 6/11/2007 10:45 AM
I don't think you COULD bore me with pictures of Italy. :)
Tink, at 6/11/2007 3:07 PM
I've heard wonderful things about Dubrovnik!! I'm so jealous that you're going there...
teahouse, at 6/11/2007 11:50 PM
Italy is so very cool. The food, the cute Italian guys, the ancient ruins, fountains and buildings, the cute Italian guys, the pizza, the shopping and mostly the cute Italian guys!
Everytime I go to Italy, I just want to stay there and never come back. You are sure to have a great time. Can't wait to see your pictures. There are some pretty cool tours, though. I especially loved the one to a 500 year old vineyard, they got the entire group snockered. And the old grandma made a simply delightful lunch and served us in their backyard overlooking the vineyard. It was FABULOUS....what wine! What grappa!
PEACE, at 6/12/2007 12:30 AM
I've been to Little Italy.
Is there a Little Croatia?
Anonymous, at 6/12/2007 9:42 AM
I'm so jealous. And nothing beats a "Ciao bella!" while walking the streets of Italy.
Anonymous, at 6/17/2007 8:43 AM
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