On My Return....
Okay, I'm back. Exhausted.
I got back home Tuesday night but have been going nonstop and too brain dead to blog. I'm glad I went though. My mom was thrilled that my brother and I came and it was good to see family. Flying for an hour, then driving 600 miles, driving back 600 miles and flying again was a little tiring. I felt like I was literally vibrating by the time I got home. A weird buzzy kind of feeling.
Bad Thing that Happened Today: Obviously, I am NOT up to par yet because yesterday as I backed out of my driveway (with wayyyy too much on my mind) I backed into a truck that was parked across the street. It was the lawn mower dude's truck. Usually they drive pieces of crap but no this one owns a Toyota Tundra. It took me a while to find any mark on my car (a teensy chip out of the paint on the bottom of the bumper) but his bumper had a little swelling, a pimple really on the top of it. I just gave him my agent's number and my name. I will probably have to pay it out of my own pocket though since we have high deductibles.
I felt like an idiot because when I got into my car I DID see him but then promptly fell back into my own world and forgot he was back there.
We close on our construction loan TODAY so I need to go and start pumping blood and deciding which child I will sacrifice. The builder should have a crew out tomorrow building forms and preparing to pour the foundation.
Because of the house and too many other summer commitments I will not be able to attend the B-List Blogger's Convention. But, here is my charge to the rest of you....work out the kinks so that next year's will be even better!
Good Thing That Happened Today: (well, kinda) A friend of mine ran into a mutual acquaintance that I had run into a couple of weeks ago. The mutual acquaintance was like all "Did you lose weight?" when she saw me, to which I answered, "I wish." But, when she saw my friend she asked her if I'd had a boob job!!!! That cracks me up. My secret?? A new bra. You see my friends, my old bras were so old, the elastic was shot, the wires were bent and the girl's were not being displayed at their best advantage. I guess it DOES pay to purchase a good bra!
I got back home Tuesday night but have been going nonstop and too brain dead to blog. I'm glad I went though. My mom was thrilled that my brother and I came and it was good to see family. Flying for an hour, then driving 600 miles, driving back 600 miles and flying again was a little tiring. I felt like I was literally vibrating by the time I got home. A weird buzzy kind of feeling.
Bad Thing that Happened Today: Obviously, I am NOT up to par yet because yesterday as I backed out of my driveway (with wayyyy too much on my mind) I backed into a truck that was parked across the street. It was the lawn mower dude's truck. Usually they drive pieces of crap but no this one owns a Toyota Tundra. It took me a while to find any mark on my car (a teensy chip out of the paint on the bottom of the bumper) but his bumper had a little swelling, a pimple really on the top of it. I just gave him my agent's number and my name. I will probably have to pay it out of my own pocket though since we have high deductibles.
I felt like an idiot because when I got into my car I DID see him but then promptly fell back into my own world and forgot he was back there.
We close on our construction loan TODAY so I need to go and start pumping blood and deciding which child I will sacrifice. The builder should have a crew out tomorrow building forms and preparing to pour the foundation.
Because of the house and too many other summer commitments I will not be able to attend the B-List Blogger's Convention. But, here is my charge to the rest of you....work out the kinks so that next year's will be even better!
Good Thing That Happened Today: (well, kinda) A friend of mine ran into a mutual acquaintance that I had run into a couple of weeks ago. The mutual acquaintance was like all "Did you lose weight?" when she saw me, to which I answered, "I wish." But, when she saw my friend she asked her if I'd had a boob job!!!! That cracks me up. My secret?? A new bra. You see my friends, my old bras were so old, the elastic was shot, the wires were bent and the girl's were not being displayed at their best advantage. I guess it DOES pay to purchase a good bra!
Glad you're home safe. If it makes you feel any better when I was 16 I backed in to my grandparents' neighbour's car. Right in front of them. And the neighbours. Yeah that one kinda gains you notoriety.
Heather, at 4/07/2006 7:09 AM
You've had a lot on your mind; it's understandable about the truck.
We understand about B-List, too. We'll work out those kinks!
Arabella, at 4/07/2006 8:31 AM
I love a new bra! I got mine at Sears- Maidenform I think- it can crisscross or remove straps. Best bra I ever had becuase the straps never fall down. Of course, I have no boobage to hold up...
Anonymous, at 4/07/2006 9:03 AM
Sorry about the bad thing; that sucks and totally sounds like something I would do!
But hooray for the good thing! Now I'm off to get a new bra . .
Renee, at 4/07/2006 9:39 AM
I'm glad you're back!
"so I need to go and start pumping blood and deciding which child I will sacrifice." *Snort*
Got any extra organs you could sell?
Tink, at 4/07/2006 10:08 AM
Bare necessities is having a buy two, get two free sale. Why have one new bra when you can have four!
You shouldn't have to pay for the guy's truck. Unless Texas is radically different from insurance sold elsewhere in the country, deductables only apply to damage to your own vehicle. The other driver's car is covered from the first dollar. I was an agent in my former life.
The Gradual Gardener, at 4/07/2006 12:20 PM
Sorry to hear about the fender-bender; I've had so many near-misses that it continues to amaze me that my car is intact. *knocks on wood*
And congrats on the compliment! Isn't it amazing what a good piece of clothing or underwear can do to your whole look? :) Which reminds me. I need a new wardrobe.
Jess Riley, at 4/07/2006 12:25 PM
Glad you're back. :)
That sucks about the fender bender. Blech.
mamatulip, at 4/07/2006 1:26 PM
LOL about the bra thing. I'm guilty of letting them get that far gone as well.
And, I actually almost did the same exact thing in our driveway 2 days ago. I don't understand when people have a whole big area to park, that they choose immediately across from a driveway. ARGH!
Crazy MomCat, at 4/07/2006 3:06 PM
Clearly you look fabulous or your acquaintance wouldn't have been trying to learn your "secret"!
On running into the truck behind you: I live in a condo and the neighbor behind me repeatedly parks in the fire lane (in front of his garage). As a result, there's a lot less room for me to maneuver into my garage (a 5-point hairpin turn). He's been warned many times and continues to do it, so the last time I had to get into my garage when he was parked illegally, I let my back bumper tap his truck. Ahem. (His window is right over the garage.) ;^) Not the nicest thing to do, of course, but I was mad and there was no damage, and I don't see his truck out there today. Heh.
B.E.C.K., at 4/07/2006 3:44 PM
hey! i pointed out your boobs as well!!!
Anonymous, at 4/07/2006 7:42 PM
"I felt like I was literally vibrating by the time I got home. A weird buzzy kind of feeling." I feel like that every evening after putting the boys to bed. It's like my body is producing its own speed...
Glad you are back and safe.
A good bra is PRICELESS. Although I don't like to pay more than 30 bucks for one. I currently have two that make my shy-b girls look like almost c's. Mone well spent.
The Queen Mama, at 4/07/2006 9:56 PM
Yeah for getting home safely! That totally sucks about hitting the truck, dang though, your gardeners must get pretty decent pay to own a Tundra. Good bras are the BOMB & they're much better for your back, too.
jane, at 4/09/2006 1:27 AM
Soory to hear about your accident. I once hit my brither-in-law's car that way. Doh!
Yeah for bras that make you look skinny!
Annie, The Evil Queen, at 4/09/2006 11:46 AM
Oh great.
Now I won't be able to stop myself from looking the next time I'm around you.
Anonymous, at 4/09/2006 8:18 PM
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